Terrible Twos Workout

Advanced Level

My Terrible Twos workout is a 12 minute AMRAP. The workout contains 3 kettlebell exercises, but not just any exercises though, all the exercises are performed with 2 kettlebells. By themselves the exercises aren’t necessarily that difficult, it’s the combination of all 3 which makes this potentially one hell of a tough workout. Make sure you warm-up fully before proceeding with this workout.

Double Front Squats

Double Thrusters

Double Swings



This workout will feel like a long 12 minutes. If possible you want to complete all 3 exercises without putting the kettlebells back down to the floor. As with most of my workouts, even if it is against the clock, pacing yourself is key here. Don’t set off to quick as you will pay for too fast a pace towards the end. Try to maintain a steady pace all the way through, and make sure you maintain good technique all the way through. Make sure you rest as and when you need to, just try not to take to long. Once you begin to tire, don’t work to the point of fatigue as you will struggle to get going again once you put the kettlebells down. Be wise with your choice of weight. If you want to make the workout more difficult you could use different weights for each exercise, but I would recommend picking one weight and trying to piece the exercises back to back with no rest.

Bodyparts Worked

Double Front Squats

The Double Front Squat is a similar movement pattern most commonly performed with a barbell. In my opinion the Double Front Squat is a valuable exercise in any athletes or everyday person’s training arsenal.


The Double Front Squat is an excellent lower body conditioning exercise that will build fantastic posterior chain strength and muscular endurance as well as core conditioning and power.

Fig. 1

Fig. 2



1. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Clean two kettlebells into the rack position. Clasp the fingers so the kettlebells are locked in position. Relax the arms with the shoulders positioned back and down.
2. Sit back onto your heels lowering yourself to the ground, moving your hips backwards as if sitting in a chair. Remember to keep the back straight with the chest held high.
3. Descend into the lowest squat possible aiming to get your hamstrings touching your calves. (See Fig. 1)
4. Keeping your weight onto your heels, drive the hips upwards fully extending the hips and knees until a lockout is achieved. Repeat the movement from point 2. (See Fig. 2)

Double Thrusters

The Double Thruster combines two exercises into one; a Front Squat and an Overhead Press. They can also be performed with barbells, or dumbells. The Double Thruster is an effective exercise for a multitude of goals because it forces the entire body to work together.


The Double Thruster is a great exercise to develop strength in the posterior chain group of muscles and power in the arms, back shoulders and core. It also links the upper-body and lower-body as one unit to build whole-body functional strength.

Fig. 1

Fig. 2



1. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Clean two kettlebells into the rack position. Clasp the fingers so the kettlebells are locked in position. Relax the arms with the shoulders positioned back and down.
2. Sit back onto your heels lowering yourself to the ground, moving your hips backwards as if sitting in a chair. Remember to keep the back straight with the chest held high.
3. Descend into the lowest squat possible aiming to get your hamstrings touching your calves. It’s not necessary but you will develop more power the lower you initially squat. (See Fig. 1)
4. Keeping your weight onto your heels, drive the hips upwards fully extending the hips and knees. Use this power to drive the kettlebells overhead until a lockout is achieved. Make sure you bring your head through the arms so your ears are level with your biceps.
5. As the kettlebells are being released from overhead, you want to descend back into squat. Repeat the movement from point 2. (See Fig. 2)

Double Swings

The Double Swing is one of the more extreme foundation movement patterns for all the ballistic based kettlebell exercises. If you can’t perform the regular Two Hand Swing with correct technique you will not be able to progress to the Double Swing.


The Double Swing is an excellent whole body conditioning exercise that will build fantastic posterior chain strength, muscular endurance and cardiovascular fitness as well as core conditioning and power.

Fig. 1

Fig. 2



1. Stand behind the kettlebells with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Make sure the kettlebell handles are parallel with each other and take a neutral grip. Bend at the waist and push your hips away keeping your knees over your ankles (think dead-lift). As you pull the kettlebells back, relax the arms and maintain a neutral position with the head. (See Fig. 1)
2. Push the kettlebells away from the body using the elastic energy in your hips to propel the kettlebells upwards. Relax the arm, let the legs, hips and back do all the work. This should be a fluid motion.
3. On the upswing the kettlebells should reach chest height, no higher. At the top of the motion make sure you have a quadruple extension – ankles, knees, hips and torso. (See Fig. 2)
4. As the kettlebells travel back into the downswing, bend slightly at the knees, forward at the hips, and push your hips backwards allowing the kettlebells to swing between your legs. All the time making sure the back and head maintain a neutral position. Repeat the movement from point 2.

So we grew together like to a double cherry, seeming parted, but yet a union in partition, two lovely berries moulded in one stem.
— William Shakespeare