Nip and Tuck Workout

Intermediate Level

Nip and Tuck is a short blast of a workout lasting just 6 minutes. Using just your bodyweight, you have three relatively basic gymnastic exercises with the aim to complete as many reps as possible in the time cap. Make sure you warm-up fully before proceeding with this workout.


Air Squats




This workout is against the clock, but you don’t want to jeopardise technique for speed. It is an AMRAP, so you are looking to complete as many rounds/reps as possible in the time limit of 6 minutes. You want to approach this workout with a focus on correct movement. No half reps. Perform each exercise back to back for the designated amount of reps. Once you have completed the Chin-Ups you move straight back into the Tuck-Ups. Don’t take too long transitioning from one exercise to the other you only have 6 minutes after all. If you wish to make the workout harder you could perform all exercises with added weight, either holding onto a kettlebell or wearing a weighted vest.

Bodyparts Worked



Tuck-Ups are a great abdominal exercise because they emphasise both the lower and upper portions of the stomach at the same time.

Fig. 1

Fig. 2



1. Lie down on the floor with your arms outstretched behind your head. Your legs should be together with your toes pointed as much as possible. (See Fig.1)
2. Start to lift your arms from behind your head, simultaneously lifting the legs and torso. Keep the core and abs under tension.
3. As you raise the legs and torso from the floor, the aim is to tuck the knees as close into the chest as possible. This is achieved by lifting the torso right up, so you are sitting right up on your glutes. Hold for a breath to maintain control. (See Fig. 2)
4. With control reverse the process lowering the legs and torso all the way back to the floor with the arms outstretched.

Air Squat

Air squats are one of the fundamental movement patterns that you can perform with your own bodyweight. Most commonly performed with a barbells or kettlebells. It’s generally accepted that air squats are a valuable exercise in any athletes or everyday person’s training arsenal.


Air Squats are an excellent lower body conditioning exercise for beginners to master. It will help build a base for fantastic muscular endurance as well as core conditioning and power.

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

To ensure your safety and stability make sure your abdominals are drawn in, and your glutes are tense throughout the full range of motion.


1. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart with the toes pointing out slightly. Arms down by your side. (See Fig. 1)
2. Sit back onto your heels lowering yourself to the ground, pushing your knees out so your thighs are positioned over you feet. Remember to keep the back straight with the chest held high.
3. Descend into the lowest squat possible. Ideally you want to be able to achieve a full depth squat, but for now don’t worry about your depth, focus more on your form. (See Fig. 2)
4. Keeping your weight onto your heels, drive the hips upwards fully extending the legs and knees until a lockout is achieved.


The Chin-Up is a similar exercise to the Pull-Up, but there are some key differences. Aside from the obvious difference in grip, the Chin-Up uses more shoulder extension rather than adduction, and due to the positioning they typically hit your biceps a lot more. Most people generally find the Chin-Up the easier of the bodyweight pulling exercises.


The Chin-Up can help build impressive strength and bulk in the back and biceps. Due to the nature of the activation of the Lats, the shoulder extensors, scapula rotators and depressors also get worked heavily.

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

All the way through the lift ensure that your glutes, abdominals, lats and biceps are all tense, with the shoulders tucked back. The movement should be smooth and fluid.


1. Grab the pull-up bar with the palms facing your torso and a grip shoulder width apart.
2. As you have both arms extended in front of you holding the bar, keep your torso as straight as possible whilst pointing your toes. Think of the Hollow Body position. (See Fig. 1)
3. Pull yourself up until your chin is above the bar. Keep your elbows as close to your torso as possible. The body should remain as still as possible with your arms being the only thing moving. (See Fig. 2)
4. Squeeze your biceps at the top position then slowly lower yourself back to the starting hang position.

To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.
— Buddha