Fight to the Bell Workout

Intermediate / Advanced Level

Fight to the Bell is 3 rounds lasting 5 mins each. The workout contains five kettlebell exercises, where you will be working for a minute on each exercise, aiming for the maximum amount of reps possible. This workout will not only test your strength and endurance, but also your ability to recover quickly. Make sure you warm-up fully before proceeding with this workout.

Double Swings

Double Front Squats

Double Crunches


3 Rounds for Reps

Double Bent Over Rows

Double Lying Floor Presses

These 5 kettlebell exercises are all performed back to back with no rest. You only rest for 1 minute after you have completed your minute of Double Lying Floor Presses. You want to be trying to hit as many reps as you can on each exercise. But, as much as you should be maxing out, you want to be able to move quickly from one exercise to the other. Any time wasted transitioning from one exercise to the other will potentially mean you miss a lot of reps by the end. Aim to work at around 90-95% effort throughout and be wise upon picking your weight. If you are stronger on some exercises you could always set up with heavier and lighter kettlebells. This will help with the transitioning time. Count up all your reps and see how many you can fit in for each round. Try to make the rep count as consistent as possible across each round.

Bodyparts Worked

Double Swings

The Double Swing is one of the more extreme foundation movement patterns for all the ballistic based kettlebell exercises. If you can’t perform the regular Two Hand Swing with correct technique you will not be able to progress to the Double Swing.


The Double Swing is an excellent whole body conditioning exercise that will build fantastic posterior chain strength, muscular endurance and cardiovascular fitness as well as core conditioning and power.

Fig. 1

Fig. 2



1. Stand behind the kettlebells with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Make sure the kettlebell handles are parallel with each other and take a neutral grip. Bend at the waist and push your hips away keeping your knees over your ankles (think dead-lift). As you pull the kettlebells back, relax the arms and maintain a neutral position with the head. (See Fig. 1)
2. Push the kettlebells away from the body using the elastic energy in your hips to propel the kettlebells upwards. Relax the arm, let the legs, hips and back do all the work. This should be a fluid motion.
3. On the upswing the kettlebells should reach chest height, no higher. At the top of the motion make sure you have a quadruple extension – ankles, knees, hips and torso. (See Fig. 2)
4. As the kettlebells travel back into the downswing, bend slightly at the knees, forward at the hips, and push your hips backwards allowing the kettlebells to swing between your legs. All the time making sure the back and head maintain a neutral position. Repeat the movement from point 2.

Double Front Squats

The Double Front Squat is a similar movement pattern most commonly performed with a barbell. In my opinion the Double Front Squat is a valuable exercise in any athletes or everyday person’s training arsenal.


The Double Front Squat is an excellent lower body conditioning exercise that will build fantastic posterior chain strength and muscular endurance as well as core conditioning and power.

Fig. 1

Fig. 2



1. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Clean two kettlebells into the rack position. Clasp the fingers so the kettlebells are locked in position. Relax the arms with the shoulders positioned back and down.
2. Sit back onto your heels lowering yourself to the ground, moving your hips backwards as if sitting in a chair. Remember to keep the back straight with the chest held high.
3. Descend into the lowest squat possible aiming to get your hamstrings touching your calves. (See Fig. 1)
4. Keeping your weight onto your heels, drive the hips upwards fully extending the hips and knees until a lockout is achieved. Repeat the movement from point 2. (See Fig. 2)

Double Crunches


Double Crunches are a great abdominal exercise because they emphasise both the lower and upper portions of the stomach at the same time.

Fig. 1

Fig. 2



1. Lie on the floor. Hold the kettlebell with both hands round the ball and the handle resting near your collarbone, your elbows should be tucked into your side. Your shoulders should be positioned back and down with your abdominals tense. The legs should be flat out.
2. Press the kettlebell upwards in a straight line above the chest extending the arms, and generating the power through the chest, shoulders and arms.
3. Keeping a slight bend in the elbow bring the kettlebell over your head extending the arms out. Before the kettlebell handle touches the floor, tighten up the lats and begin to bring the kettlebell back over your head. (See Fig. 1)
4. Aim to curl your spine from the floor whilst bringing the kettlebell back over head. At the same time bring your legs to a 90 degree angle. Your knees should finish directly above your hips, and your ankles should remain in line with your knees throughout the movement.
5. As you crunch extend the arms and reach the kettlebell over the front of your shins. Remembering to make sure that the knees don’t travel past the hips. Keep the abdominals tense throughout. (See Fig. 2)
6. To reverse the movement extend the legs and arms trying not to let the lower back arch. You may need to be careful how far you reach overhead and how far you extend the legs. Go as far as is comfortable. Think about rolling your spine back into the floor with control using your abdominals. Do not let your legs or the kettlebell drop to the floor. Repeat the movement from point 3 for as long as desired.

Double Bent Over Rows

The Kettlebell Double Bent Over Row is one of the most recognised movement patterns. The Double Bent Over Row is more often than not performed with dumbbells and barbells. The Kettlebell Double Bent Over Row is a cool variation and offers the same benefits with the added effect of core conditioning.


Kettlebell Double Bent Over Rows are an excellent upper-body conditioning exercise that primarily works the muscles of the back, such as the lats, rhomboids, and mid and lower traps, but rows also works the legs, core, and hips.

Fig. 1

Fig. 2



1. Stand over the kettlebells. Lift them up using a dead-lift technique, the grip should be neutral with your fingers underneath the handle and the thumbs positioned on top. Make sure you have a quadruple extension – ankles, knees, hips and torso.
2. Bend at the waist and push your hips away keeping your knees over your ankles. Lower the chest down making sure your back is straight and the shoulders remain back and down. The kettlebells should be in front of the legs. (See Fig. 1)
3. Pull both kettlebells up towards the hip, keeping the elbows into the side. The Upperbody and hips should remain still. The shoulders should be back whilst maintaining a neutral position with the head. (See Fig. 2)
4. Descend the kettlebells back to the start position by reversing the prior movement.

Double Lying Floor Press

The Kettlebell Double Lying Floor Press is generally more challenging of an exercise when compared with their dumbbell brother. With the Kettlebell Double Lying Floor Press there is a constant pulling of the weight from the centreline of the body, which is great for the core and stabilizing muscles. Horizontal presses or chest presses are a familiar movement usually performed with dumbbells and barbells on benches.


The Kettlebell Double Lying Floor Press is an excellent upper-body exercise to build strength, muscular endurance and power; perfect for muscle isolation whilst tying in the core and working the chest and arms.

Fig. 1

Fig. 2



1. Lie on the floor. Hold the kettlebells in the corner of the handle, and ensure the handle is set at an angle across from the inside of the thumb to the lower palm. They should be resting in the triangle of the biceps and forearms. Ideally with the elbows tucked in to ease the rest. (See Fig. 1)
2. Your shoulders should be positioned back and down with your abdominals tense. The legs can be flat out or bent at the knee.
3. Press the kettlebells upwards in a straight line above the chest extending the arms, and generating the power through the chest, shoulders and arms. (See Fig. 2)
4. On the descent keep the elbows into the side and decelerate the kettlebell as it returns to the chest. Repeat the movement from point 3.

Champions aren’t made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them: A desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have last-minute stamina, they have to be a little faster, they have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill.
— Muhammad Ali