Armoured Abs Workout
Beginners / Intermediate / Advanced Level
Armoured Abs is a simple but effective routine that will bulletproof your core in no time. If you perform all the exercises back to back, with no rest, I guarantee your abs will truly be on fire. The reason for the workout covering all levels is due to the variations on the Hollow Body Hold. Make sure you warm-up fully before proceeding with this workout.
5 Rounds
Hollow Body Hold x 10-30 secs
Tuck-Ups x 10 reps
Russian Twist x 10 reps
Hollow Body Hold x 10-30 secs
1 minute rest
This workout is a tough one on the abs. For the first round stick to 10 secs for both of the Hollow Body Holds, if it feels too easy (depending on which variation you began with), either move onto to a harder progression or increase the time for the hold. I’ve indicated 10-30 secs for the Hollow Body Hold but you can increase that if 30 seconds still doesn’t feel challenging enough. Try not to rest too long in between each round and limit the rest in between each exercise. The idea is that you perform the exercises back to back with no rest. Constantly maintaining that tension in your core. Make sure you take short shallow breaths throughout. Aim to complete 5 rounds in total.