Armoured Abs Workout

Beginners / Intermediate / Advanced Level

Armoured Abs is a simple but effective routine that will bulletproof your core in no time. If you perform all the exercises back to back, with no rest, I guarantee your abs will truly be on fire. The reason for the workout covering all levels is due to the variations on the Hollow Body Hold. Make sure you warm-up fully before proceeding with this workout.

Hollow Body Hold


Russian Twist


5 Rounds

This workout is a tough one on the abs. For the first round stick to 10 secs for both of the Hollow Body Holds, if it feels too easy (depending on which variation you began with), either move onto to a harder progression or increase the time for the hold. I’ve indicated 10-30 secs for the Hollow Body Hold but you can increase that if 30 seconds still doesn’t feel challenging enough. Try not to rest too long in between each round and limit the rest in between each exercise. The idea is that you perform the exercises back to back with no rest. Constantly maintaining that tension in your core. Make sure you take short shallow breaths throughout. Aim to complete 5 rounds in total.

Bodyparts Worked

Hollow Body Hold

The Hollow Body hold is not just an abs exercise. It will help improve pretty much all bodyweight exercises. It can be practiced anywhere, and there are variations to suit all abilities.


The Hollow Body Hold is a great exercise that will firstly help to increase the strength in your abs and core muscles. Importantly they will also help to develop the stability and body control to assist with more complex bodyweight movements such as handstands and support holds.

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

Fig. 4


  1. Begin by lying down flat on your back. Try to push your belly button through your back and into the ground. Your arms and legs should be pointing straight out away from the body. (See Fig. 1).

  2. Lift your shoulders and legs up off the ground. Think about curling your shoulders up, whilst pushing your stomach down. You want to ensure that your lower back remains on the ground, you do this by tucking your pelvis under. Keep your legs together and point your toes. Try to keep your biceps next to your ears. (See Fig.2)

  3. The aim is to find the lowest position possible where can hold your arms and legs out without them touching the floor, or without your lower back arching away from the ground.

  4. Maintain tension in your abs and glutes throughout and take short shallow breaths.

  5. If the full Hollow Body Hold position is too difficult, you can scale the exercise back by performing the Straddle Hollow Body Hold. (See Fig.3). If that is also proving to be too difficult scale the exercise back further by performing the Tuck Hollow Body Hold. (see Fig.4).

  6. Whichever variation you choose to begin with ensure that the lower back remains on the ground and the shoulders are lifted up throughout.



Tuck-Ups are a great abdominal exercise because they emphasise both the lower and upper portions of the stomach at the same time.

Fig. 1

Fig. 2



  1. Lie down on the floor with your arms outstretched behind your head. Your legs should be together with your toes pointed as much as possible. (See Fig.1)

  2. Start to lift your arms from behind your head, simultaneously lifting the legs and torso. Keep the core and abs under tension.

  3. As you raise the legs and torso from the floor, the aim is to tuck the knees as close into the chest as possible. This is achieved by lifting the torso right up, so you are sitting right up on your glutes. Hold for a breath to maintain control. (See Fig. 2)

  4. With control reverse the process lowering the legs and torso all the way back to the floor with the arms outstretched.

Russian Twist

The Russian Twist is an abs exercise that strengthens up the muscles that you will missing with your standard crunches and sit-ups. You don’t have to use a weight, they can be performed equally as effectively without. But it’s important to ensure that the exercise is performed correctly, so if you are using weight and struggling to maintain form, then either reduce the weight or perform the exercise unweighted.


Russian twists are a great exercise to strengthen your core, obliques, and spine. If performed correctly they will also help to improve your balance and build stability in your spine.

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Fig. 3


  1. Start by sitting on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Lean back so your upper-body is roughly at a 45º angle to the floor. Hold your arms straight out in front of your body and slowly lift your feet up. (See Fig. 1).

  2. Ensure that your back is straight, try not to round the shoulders and maintain tension in your core throughout.

  3. Rotate your arms to the right side of the body. Follow your hands with your eyes. Try to rotate round as far as possible limiting the amount of movement in your legs. (See Fig. 2).

  4. As you rotate round to the opposite side make sure you keep the arms up, and again follow your hands with your eyes. Rotate round as far as possible. (See Fig. 3). That will be one rep.

  5. Try to keep the movement as smooth and controlled as possible. If you are using a weight and your arms are dropping down, lighten the weight or go for the unweighted variation. Repeat the movement from point 3.

Fitness begins with initiative and continues with consistency. The six pack abs is a byproduct of being healthy.
— Hrithik Roshan